BPS Sibolga Coordination with Bappeda Regarding the Poverty Intervention Program - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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BPS Sibolga Coordination with Bappeda Regarding the Poverty Intervention Program

BPS Sibolga Coordination with Bappeda Regarding the Poverty Intervention Program

June 10, 2024 | Other Activities

On Monday, (10/06/24), at 10.00-11.15 WIB the BPS-Statistics Sibolga Municipality Team coordinated with the Sibolga City Bappeda. This is related to the poverty intervention program in Sibolga City. This was done to find out what programs have been carried out by the Sibolga City Government in implementing poverty interventions in Sibolga City. Some of the supporting information needed is various intervention policy programs which include policies to control prices of basic necessities, expenditure burden reduction programs, income increase programs and other policies that have been implemented in Sibolga City. This information is very necessary to support the release of poverty figures for Sibolga City in March 2024.

The Sibolga City BPS team consists of the Head of BPS-Statistics Sibolga Municipality, Sabar Alberto Harianja, the Head of the Social Statistics Team, Rosmiana Hasibuan, and a member of the Social Statistics Team, Naomi Sinaga who is also the Person in Charge of BPS-Statistics Sibolga Municipality Hotel Statistics Activities. The team was warmly received by the Heads of the Sibolga City Bappeda Division. On this occasion there were not only discussions related to poverty alleviation activity programs, but also discussed various indicators produced by the Sibolga City BPS and also understanding related indicators produced by the Sibolga City BPS.

This coordination is expected to strengthen the synergy between Sibolga City BPS and Sibolga City Bappeda in the context of poverty alleviation and support a more effective and sustainable development planning process in Sibolga City. Horas, Oii Dusanak.

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