Coordination with BPJS Employment Sibolga "Employment Insurance and Sakernas" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Coordination with BPJS Employment Sibolga "Employment Insurance and Sakernas"

Coordination with BPJS Employment Sibolga "Employment Insurance and Sakernas"

July 24, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday morning (24/07/2024), the Head of BPS-Statistics of Sibolga, Sabar Alberto Harianja visited and coordinated with the Head of the Sibolga Employment Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) Branch on Jl. MH Thamrin, Beringin City, Sibolga. This visit was warmly received by the Head of the Sibolga BPJS Employment Branch, Agus P. Sitinjak. Collaboration between BPS and BPJS Employment has been very good so far. During census activities and several surveys, field officers are protected by insurance from BPJS Employment.

Discussions over coffee make the discussion warm. The discussion discussed insurance benefits, employment conditions, open unemployment rates and insurance for the community in Sibolga City. On this occasion, BPS-Statistics of Sibolga invited the Head of BPJS Employment Sibolga to look at the business process of collecting employment data in Sibolga through the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) in August 2024. Not only BPJS Employment, the plan is to also invite the Head of Technical Regional Organizations (OPD) related to employment. Apart from knowing the business process, data collection also aims to understand the concept and profile of employment conditions in the field.

Horas, Oii Dusanak.

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