Coordination with Perumda Tirta Nauli Sibolga - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Coordination with Perumda Tirta Nauli Sibolga

Coordination with Perumda Tirta Nauli Sibolga

January 17, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, January 17 2024, 09.30-10.00 WIB, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sibolga City coordinated with Perumda Tirta Nauli Sibolga. Coordination regarding cooperation in terms of data requests. Data requests are made through surveys of clean water companies which are carried out regularly over quarterly and annual periods. The data collected includes: company profile, production and distribution of clean water, employment and remuneration. Apart from preparing Clean Water Publications, this data is also useful as an indicator in preparing the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Sibolga City.

The visit of the Head of BPS Sibolga City, accompanied by Nolla Claudia Br Ginting, the First Expert Statistician of BPS Sibolga City was received directly by the Director of PDAM Tirta Nauli Sibolga, Khairunnas Panggabean, S.Pd. The meeting was held in the office of the Director of Perumda Air Clean Tirta Nauli, who was accompanied by the Head of HR, Tirta Nauli Sibolga.

Communication and exchange of information related to various topics, such as: raw water sources, procedures for processing clean water before distribution to consumers and the effect of the increase in basic water tariffs on inflation in Sibolga. BPS Sibolga submitted plans for Forum Group Discussion (FGD) activities in preparing the 2024 Regional Publication in Figures for Sibolga City. Where PDAM Tirta Nauli Sibolga is one of the data producers, related to clean water.

This coordination went smoothly and then ended with a joint photo session between BPS and Perumda Tirta Nauli Sibolga.

By: NC

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