Sakernas Evaluation Meeting for August 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Sakernas Evaluation Meeting for August 2023

Sakernas Evaluation Meeting for August 2023

August 24, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Thursday, 24 August 2023, the Sibolga City Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) held an Evaluation Meeting for the August 2023 National Labor Force Survey Data Collection Officer (Sakernas). The meeting was held at Cafee Lotus, Jl. Sutomo No. 25, Banyan City, Sibolga. The Evaluation Meeting was attended by 29 participants, consisting of 16 officers, 9 supervisors, 1 processing, 1 supervisor and 2 committees. The meeting is held half day from 09.00 to. 14.00 WIB. The main objective of the meeting is to evaluate and view the progress of field data collection.

The activity began with an opening ceremony at 09.00 WIB by the Head of the Sibolga City BPS, Sabar Alberto Harianja, accompanied by Naomi Sinaga as Chair of the Sakernas Activities Team, and Rosmiana Hasibuan, Junior Statistics Officer. In his direction, the Head of BPS Sibolga conveyed that this activity was very important for evaluating field data and examining documents from the field data collection results for the August 2023 Sakernas before being processed. He added that BPS is trusted by data quality. Supervisors are emphasized to continue to monitor and monitor officers and assist in the field, he added.

Furthermore, each supervisor (PML) reports the performance, constraints and challenges of his team. This aims to immediately mitigate existing constraints and minimize risks. From the web monitoring dashboard, data collection has been completed, reaching 84.90 percent, this figure is above the provincial field completion average. After the opening, a group photo was held.

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