Sibolga This Afternoon - RRI Sibolga “Sibolga Human Development Index (HDI)” - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Sibolga This Afternoon - RRI Sibolga “Sibolga Human Development Index (HDI)”

Sibolga This Afternoon - RRI Sibolga “Sibolga Human Development Index (HDI)”

April 3, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, April 3 2024, at 10.00 WIB, the Sibolga City Central Statistics Agency (BPS) took part in the Sibolga event this afternoon, RRI Sibolga. This dialogue was broadcast live via RRI Sibolga Pro 1 from 10.00 to 11.00 WIB. The theme is "Sibolga Human Development Index (HDI) with Sibolga City BPS". This talk show activity was guided by Host Widya Sartika, with speakers Amalia Harinda Rahayu, Chair of the Sibolga City BPS Nerwilis Team and Vifi Yusnita Purba, member of the Sibolga City BPS Nerwilis Team.

The Sibolga Siang Dialogue provides information and education to RRI listeners regarding the HDI of Sibolga City. The event started with an explanation from Amalia Harinda Rahayu about HDI, how to calculate HDI data, what drives the increase in Sibolga's HDI in 2023 and from what dimensions. Apart from that, it also explains how the HDI in Sibolga City is and BPS's efforts to increase the HDI as well as input to the government so that the HDI in Sibolga City can be higher.

Next, Vifi Yusnita Purba explained in more detail regarding each indicator of the HDI and what will drive the increase in Sibolga's HDI in 2023. Vifi Yusnita Purba also said that the HDI for Sibolga City in 2023 is 77.07, meaning that Sibolga City is included in the high HDI classification. There has been an increase compared to the HDI in 2022.

At the end of the dialogue, Amalia Harinda Rahayu gave a closing statement that HDI is a form of strategic data because it is used as evaluation material for regional governments from the central government. This HDI is used as an indicator in determining the General Allocation Fund (DAU). The hope is that the government and the people of Sibolga City will provide support for a better HDI for Sibolga City. Hooray..! Ooiii Dusanak..!

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