Sibolga City Human Development Index 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Sibolga City Human Development Index 2022

Catalog Number : 4102002.1271
Publication Number : 12710.24002
ISSN/ISBN : 2808-0734
Release Date : January 17, 2024
File Size : 4.91 MB


Inflation is one of the important indicators released by the Central Statistics Agency and is needed as a basis for determining government policy. Inflation is calculated based on developments in the Consumer Price Index over time. Inflation values and the Consumer Price Index provide information regarding the development of prices of goods and services commonly consumed by the public in a region. This publication presents data on the development of CPI, inflation rates, inflation calculation methods, as well as descriptive analysis which aims to assist related parties in carrying out planning, implementation, control and evaluation in economic development.
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