Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1 Sibolga Municipality - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1 Sibolga Municipality

Catalog Number : 5106043.1271
Publication Number : 12710.2314
Release Date : December 15, 2023
File Size : 6.86 MB


The Agricultural Census is an effort to accurately and comprehensively capture the state of the agricultural sector throughout the country. Publication of Complete Enumeration Results for the 2023 Agricultural Census - Phase I is the result of field data collection for the 2023 Agricultural Census. In the first phase, the Central Statistics Agency presents priority data and information on the results of the 2023 Agricultural Census. This publication contains information regarding the general explanation of the 2023 Agricultural Census, households agricultural businesses and classification of agricultural businesses, demographics of agricultural business managers, agricultural land and fertilizer use, small farmers, millennial farmers and urban farmers, and agricultural commodities
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