Population of Sibolga Municipality 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Population of Sibolga Municipality 2020

Catalog Number : 2101019.1271
Publication Number : 12710.2115
Release Date : December 31, 2021
File Size : 1.83 MB


This publication presents data on the population of Sibolga City in 2020, which is sourced from the 2020 Population Census. This publication also explains the methodology and definition concepts used by Statistic Indonesia when collecting population data from society.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Sibolga (Statistics of Sibolga)Jl. Tuanku Dorong Hutagalung No.2 Sibolga

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Email: bps1271@bps.go.id

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