Analysis of Human Development Index in Sibolga 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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Analysis of Human Development Index in Sibolga 2017

Catalog Number : 4102002.1271
Publication Number : 12710.1809
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-6500-08-3
Release Date : October 19, 2018
File Size : 4.87 MB


The publication of the Human Development Index Analysis in Sibolga 2017 was published by Statistics of Sibolga. This publication is presented in the form of a concise and concise analysis that contains the results or achievements of human development in the Sibolga which includes aspects of development in the field of health, economics. Human development as a measure of overall development performance is formed through a basic three-dimensional approach, namely long and healthy life, knowledge and decent livelihood. All indicators that represent these three dimensions are summarized in one single value, namely the Human Development Index (HDI) number.

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