RRI Sibolga Morning Dialogue "Is Inflation on the Verge?" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sibolga Municipality

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RRI Sibolga Morning Dialogue "Is Inflation on the Verge?"

RRI Sibolga Morning Dialogue "Is Inflation on the Verge?"

October 13, 2023 | Other Activities

On Friday, 13 October 2023, at 09.00-10.00 WIB, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sibolga City was invited to the Morning Dialogue program on Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) with the theme "Is Inflation on the Verge?".

The morning dialogue was guided directly by Sulistiyano Istifarullah, Head of LPP RRI Sibolga as presenter. Resource persons from Sibolga City BPS Head of Sibolga City BPS, Sabar Alberto Harianja and First Expert Statistician, Omy Wahyudi. The conversation began with a light discussion regarding inflation, such as the meaning of inflation itself and how to obtain inflation figures.

The conversation continued with discussions related to the main theme of this morning's dialogue, namely, Sibolga's inflation figures. Month to month inflation in September 2023 in Sibolga City was 0.44 percent, annual inflation (year to year) in September 2023 was 3.4 percent and cumulative inflation (year to date) was 3.11 percent. This figure is still within the government's target of 3% ± 1%. or Inflation in Sibolga City is still within target limits. There are still three months remaining which will determine the inflation figures at the end of the year. These three months are a crucial and important period for the government to pay attention to in maintaining inflation rates within the government's target limits. Bearing in mind that at the end of the year prices generally tend to soar high. This is what must be anticipated in the future.

The morning dialogue closed with a question and answer session with RRI Sibolga City listeners and a joint photo session between RRI and BPS Sibolga City.

By: NC
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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